WOS 8-27-24 Rejection of Correction brings Destruction

I speak unto you this day and I say look at what is happening throughout the world and especially in the nations who have known Me and turned from Me. They are headed to their own destruction, by the choices their leaders have made according to the lust of their flesh and demon influences rather than in cooperation with My Commandments to humanity. The dictates that I have given for people to live by are for their own good inasmuch as they will not, if they adhere to My commands, self destruct. However if they choose to violate Me, then walk in the way that will bring them to destruction because they have rejected correction.

I did not create man and woman for them to be adhering to the dictates of demons and to take on the coverings of demons and become shape shifting robots who are controlled by powers of darkness. Yet, because people have chosen to rebel and go to hell by the same, the borders of hell are continually being enlarged. If you consider the consequences of choosing in opposition to Me, the results of rebellion are devastation, destruction, and damnation.

I do not want those who are claiming that they love Me to be found in the utter and complete rebellion that comes about when people are rejecting My correction I give to them.. The more that people reject correction, the more that they will be destroyed by their choices for demon rule rather than the rule of My Spirit. Consider that those who are choosing to be ruled by demons are fools for they cannot be taken into anything except their own destruction and despair. I do not want you, as My people to be found in despair, I want you to come forth in the mercies that are new every morning when it is Me that you are serving with gladness and rejoicing. Therefore do not be quick to be sucked into the swamp of slime whereby multitudes are stuck because they rejected correction.

If you stop and consider, I did not make men, women, and children to live in accordance with the dictates of demon powers. However, when they choose to be under demon rule they are inviting sorrows and sufferings into their lives that are the direct result of their opposition to Me. How is it that My Creation obeys Me and yet humanity has chosen to disobey Me? Of course this goes back to the sins of Adam and Eve. She was seduced and beguiled to believe the devil above Me, then Adam chose to succumb to the wishes of his wife above My direct instructions to them. So both sinned and were consequently banished from their perfect life with Me to take up the way of the ones who choose in opposition to Me. It was and continues to be that people make their own choices whether they will rebel and go to hell, or obey and be led forth in My Way. I give My Holy Spirit to lead and guide the ones who are desirous of Me and when they remain in that Way then they know the mercy and the miracle path that I intend. Likewise those who choose to reject correction are given the path of thorns and thistles and suffer for their direct rebellion and opposition to My intentions for them. Know of a surety that I do not create humans for them to live in continual hardship and deprivation. They, either directly or through the sins of their ancestors are the ones who choose the course of sorrow and suffering.

Be thankful this day that you are not intended to be caught up in the traps, the snares, and the entanglements that the devil and his demons are ever putting out to cause humans to choose for death and damnation. I am the God of goodness and mercy and the same I want to give to those who are Mine. However they are the ones who are rejecting mercy and receiving misery. Then they want to recruit others into their quagmire of misery and build their empires off of the sufferings of the multitudes who come under their demonic demands and commands.

If you stop and consider the devastation that is befalling nations at this time, take the time to research their abominations and you will find that they are receiving My wrath, fury, and indignation. This comes upon them because of their delight in darkness rather than the Light. They love to do evil and hate to do good because they have so yielded to the demonic powers that even their very lives are nothing more than the embodiment of demons. There are countless leaders and rulers throughout the earth who are controlled by shape shifting demons and they are no longer to be regarded as capable of Truth, they are not! Their actions are shaped by delusion and they live in confusion and are literally becoming more and more possessed by death demons that are thirsting for blood shed and murder. Look at the proud acclaim of those who are advocating abortion of the unborn and even the newborn, it is nothing but the work of blood thirsty demonic powers. When the whole agenda of these wicked ones is ruled by lawlessness, bloodshed, violence, murder, senseless wars brought on by power lust, perversion and insanity, know that their end is damnation and hell forever.

How senseless such fools are in their pursuits for they are believing in the absolute lies of demonic powers while they are rejecting the rule of My Holy Spirit correction and direction over their lives. What do they gain from the same? They gain the ruination of their lives, the abomination of desolation and the destruction of the nations that have made them rich, famous, and able to pursue the life of sin and death they are living. Do not in any way envy them for they have rejected being corrected and by the same they’ll die.

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