I speak unto all who will hear this day and I say, do not defraud My people for it is not wise to do so. Those who choose to lie, cheat, and steal from the ones who are Mine, are doing so to their own destruction. When you see the ones who are defrauding those who are true to Me, the time comes that I the Living God will bring down My wrath, fury, and indignation upon them. Then they shall pay for what they have done, and I will no longer tolerate their misconduct for they are a grief and a shame to Me.
Be thankful this day that you can conduct yourselves in the way that I desire, if you are respecting and caring for one another as My people. I do not want My people to be defrauding one another, by doing what I do not intend and being in contention with each other. Therefore do not be hasty to run after that which I do not intend, and by the same to be alienated because of pursuing the values of the world.
The Truth is, that when people are quick to run after that which is useless and hopeless they are running in vain. Sad to say, the goal in these times for the majority is to accumulate great riches and by those riches to assume that you will remain fat and flourishing forever. You will not for by such gain, you will be taken down into the web that the enemies use to entice multitudes of those who are Mine away from Me. Then as they are pursuing the ways of the world, they are bound in the indebtedness that has caused them to be helpless and hopeless. This is because they are trapped in the deceitfulness of riches.
Therefore keep under the Mind of My Spirit, so you are not easily enticed and entangled in the ways of the world and by the same taken down into the abyss of destruction. It is not wise to defraud one another because you have become enticed and entangled in the world’s ways. Better it is to be poor and right with Me, than to be rich and increased with goods, and found defrauding My True people.
Therefore, do not be quick to hasten after that which is easily accessible and in the same become trapped and taken captive, by the world and the demonic forces who rule in the same. Those who are Mine are meant to keep their vision stayed upon Me and to know that I am the One who directs, corrects, and guides by My Spirit. I do not want My people to be caught up in the deluded confusion of these times and by the same to be overwhelmed. My people are meant to keep their vision stayed upon Me, and to come forth knowing beyond a doubt that I am the One who they are answerable to.
From the days of old and in these times, I do not want My people to be found defrauding one another, and pursuing the values of the heathen as though they were meant to have the same. The Truth is, the heathen are bowing to idols that cannot do them any good and in so choosing they are opposing Me by their worship of false gods. When those who are claiming to be My people are co-mingling with the heathen to the extent that they are pursuing and following false gods, they become dumb by their choices. Not only do they become dumb and dumber, they become My enemies and are no longer to be found under My mercies. In their choices they will be found losing and that is because they have opened themselves up to demons and will have misery as their cup.
Why do those who are calling themselves My people so easily give up the standards of righteousness that I have for them to walk in? They do so because secretly they are lusting after those things that will bring them to ruination and damnation. Because they quickly bow down to the world and the demons in this world, they are taken down the broad way whereby they are exposed to the deviations that bring abominations, ending in damnation.
In such snares and entanglements, they will defraud those who are My True People and by such, they will be proven to be corrupt and far from what I intend and purpose them for. Those who are defrauding the ones who are True to Me are counted as targets for My vengeance, and I will bring the same down upon them.
With these things in mind and heart, be following the leading of My Spirit each and every day, and do not be quick to abandon your trust and confidence in Me. Know that I do not lead any one to choose to defraud those who are true to Me, those who do so out of their own lust and greed will find that they are defrauding by their dishonest gain. While they have chosen the deceitfulness of riches above integrity in Me the same will cause them many sorrows, and mental and physical miseries. Over and over, they will suffer because they are estranging themselves from Me and following after the darkness that is destructive.
There is none who gets by on Me, and those who are believing that they do, will find that they are deceived because they have been taken into mental captivity by their choices against Me. Do not be in continual fellowship with such ones for they are living in the place of estrangement from My arrangement, and going headlong into their own death. I do not want you to go into death, I want you to come forth in the newness of Life, Love, and Light. Be glad even this day that I give the Mind of My Spirit to guide the ones who are determined to please Me. Follow the commands that will bring you forth in integrity and honesty with one another.
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