I speak to you this day and I say, beware of the foundation of devastation for the same is very dominating and evident in these times of uncertainty, insecurity, instability, and insanity. I do not want My people to be found with the multitudes who are building on the very foundation that will end them in devastation and damnation.
When people, tribes, and nations turn aside from the commandments that I provide for them to live by and be kept in the safety and security that I intend, they are automatically gravitated to the commands of demons. Those who are listening to and obeying demonic commands will find that they are led astray and away from the very principles that I have given for people to live by. As is obvious in these times, multitudes are falling into the sinkholes of sin and death and they cannot escape the same.
Be thankful that you don’t need to build on the foundation of devastation and by the same be taken into the abyss bound in darkness. I intend for My people to build on the foundation that I provide for them and by the same to be uplifted and guided forth by a plain path and given the hope that only I can provide. When it is Me that you look to, you will not be overwhelmed and taken down sinking lower and lower. In fact you will be lifted up and brought forth in the great and glorious way that I provide and enabled to give Me the thanks and the praise. If you stop and consider how many there are who are bound up in those places of captivity, be thankful that you have been set free and are enabled to call Me for I hear you when you pray.
Stop and consider the desolation of those whose hearts are far from Me and hardened by sin, they are living each day in desolation of soul and are left to wander in emptiness and frustration. These ones do not come into satisfaction because they are indeed distant from what I intend for them to partake of, for they are building on the wrong foundation.
I do not want you to be found bound in the desolation and isolation that will bring you to ruination. Therefore keep attentive to the commands and dictates of My Holy Spirit and obey the same. You will see and hear of many on your journey who will hear My Spirit, yet they will not obey because they are determined to “have it their way”. Those who want things their own way are foolish for the very way that they choose is devastation and damnation. Yet, because they are so proud of their assumed independence, they go on and on and live in the falsehoods of their own understanding which of course is influenced by demonic input.
These are times when I the Living God am bringing down peoples, tribes, and nations that have built on the wrong foundation because they built according to the world and not according to Me. I do not want My people to be following the world and walking in those ways that are perverse and wicked and by the same being devastated and brought to ruination. If you stop and consider, those who will listen to the deceptions of demons, will be overwhelmed and overtaken. Those who listen to and obey My Spirit will be uplifted and brought forth in the pathway that I intend.
Consider a man in the carnal sense who was ignorant of how to build on the right foundation and he built his elegant home on the sands and the house was swallowed up in an unexpected sinkhole. Such a man would be grossly disappointed and disillusioned and could well decide to never build again and be content to become hopeless, helpless, and homeless. When people are not looking to and listening to My Spirit they are subject to every kind of trouble that comes their way.
Take a look at the sinking nation that you are in, for the most part, people have abandoned any semblance of living in the Way that I have intended for them. Instead, they have chosen to go after the vanity, the stupidity, the insanity of the world’s way. That way will of course, only take them into the darkness and dreariness of the graveyard of continuous destruction. If only people would have listened when I sent forth My prophets calling them to repent, they would not be in the condition of ridicule that they are in. All around the world, world leaders are laughing, and mocking the absolute absurdity of the demonized and demoralized state of affairs in this nation.
When those in rule are bound in the deadlock of pride and are stubbornly refusing to face the reality of increasing dementia, what is the consequence of the same? The nation that was once considered to be the “greatest” is now being publicly disgraced and shown to be a total disgrace and a shame as a senile man and his power lusting wife are wanting to remain in power. Their political cartel is being openly revealed in their criminality yet they will not admit to any of the crimes that they have openly committed. Instead, they prefer to live in the foolery of their own stupidity and imagine that they will be kept forever because they are full of themselves and their own deceptions.
The nation has opened itself up to be invaded by proven criminals who are living out the agenda of the devil inasmuch as they come to steal, kill, and destroy. All the while the political cartel continues to aim for inward destruction because of the foundation of devastation and ruination that they are on. When power possessed leaders make it their goals to achieve great wealth for themselves, they will be destroyed by their greed.
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