WOS 7-11-24 Will You Follow the Suffering Savior?

I speak unto you this day and I ask you, are you willing to follow the Suffering Savior who suffered in all points for the cleansing of all who would believe in Him as My Son and the Way that I have provided? I have given My Son Jesus to the world in order that He would be the One who suffered for the sins of all humanity. Those who hear the call to repent and believe in Him are forgiven for the sins that they have committed. There is no other way that men, women, and children are redeemed for I have provided to them the Suffering Savior and it is He who is the Way.

There are many who will make the claim that they are “Christians” simply because they had Christian parents, or grandparents, or because they went to a Christian school or a church camp. Yet these ones have never given themselves over to Me by walking in the steps of Jesus and obeying the commands and directives of the Holy Spirit. It is My intention that the ones who will be true united believers will follow the Suffering Savior and not resent the school of suffering they go through.

Far too many in these times are living in the shallow waters of churchianity and when they are faced with suffering, they are not able to bear the same because they are not at all acquainted with the Suffering Savior. Instead, they have been taught of a Jesus who is not My Son at all. For their teachers and pastors want them to believe that I am like a jolly Santa Claus and that Jesus is My delivery boy and that they can get whatever they want at all times. Because they have been covered in delightful delusions, they are unwilling to accept the reality of suffering and cannot bear to believe I would allow the same to be their cup. These ones are definitely not firmly rooted and grounded in Me and because they have been fed delusions, they grow angry and accusatory when suffering comes their way.

I do not intend that people would live on these delightful delusions only to become bitter and accusatory when the reality of suffering comes into their lives. The majority will be angry and accusatory and attempt to prove that I am wrong, or that I do not exist. They’ll say Jesus is false because He did not make the right delivery in bringing suffering to them. However, these accusations that they so willingly receive are the input of demons and when they receive and believe such lies then the demons move in to control them.

My people are not meant to be controlled by demon spirits, they are meant to be controlled by My Spirit and to be brought forth in the soberness of the Truth and thankful to be given the same. However this Message is not pleasing to pampered and pretentious church goers who want only to be fed with the sweet things that are delightful delusions. Yet when they are given the spiritual diet that they demand, they are weak, feeble, and unable to resist the attacks of the accuser against their minds. Then, because their pastors and teachers are cheaters themselves they want to take short cuts and present artificial jewels to Me.

In such falsity and vanity, I am not well pleased and I find those who are imagining they get by with such to be foolish before Me. Those who are unwilling to follow in the steps of the Suffering Savior are not found acceptable because they are wanting delightful delusions. Consider how shallow and childish they are to think that they must have only what they want and not be willing to give Me what I want from them. Those who are sowing to the flesh and the demands of carnality will reap in corruption and will not be counted worthy to receive My infinite mercies and miracles.

Do not imagine that I am mocked, I am not. There will be many who are claiming to be “Christian” who will be sadly awakened when they stand before Me. Know that I will not be accepting them in their masquerades and the masks they have worn will be torn from their faces and the ugliness of their sins made evident. It is and always will be that those who are going to be found acceptable to Me are the ones who will walk in the Way that I provide and not attempt to find “their own way”.

Those who are self willed and stubborn against Me will not be well pleasing for they are deceived and deceiving others. Because they imagine that they must have “their own way” I will turn them over to the same and in the end they will see that “their own way” was the way of damnation. This is simply because they chose to believe demons rather than My Holy Spirit.

Those who are desirous of My Way will not be stubborn against Me, rather they will be coming forth knowing that there’s only one Way that is right in My sight and that I will give to them. I have given the Suffering Savior to humanity not because He sinned, but because they sinned and He is the substitute for their sins. Be thankful every day that you are given the privilege to have Jesus as your Savior and Lord and that He has laid down the pattern for you to follow.

Do not be hesitant to drink the cup of suffering when I give you the same. The cup that I give is the cup of reality and as you drink of the sufferings that I give for your purification, you will be freed from the chains of carnality. The ones who refuse My cup will be found drinking of the cup of demons and by the same they will gain sufferings in this life and in the life to come for they have chosen the agonies of the damned. Drink of My cup for in the same you will find the mercies and the miracles I have for you.

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