WOS 7-12-24 Thieves, Liars, and Murderers

I speak unto you this day and I say that you are living in times of treachery and terror when the land is overrun with thieves, liars, and murderers. There are vast numbers of men and women who have put themselves under the covering of the devil and they love it so. This is because they are walking afar off from Me and going in the way of the wicked.

This condition is one that is visible and evident in all professions and likewise in the church, the state, and the political arena. There are far too many who have chosen to keep company with thieves, liars, and murderers. Then, they are likewise adversely influenced by these wicked ones as their activities are full of ugliness and are vile in My sight.

I do not find pleasure when people become as in the days of Noah, and are found so far deviated from Me and My Way that they are inviting My wrath, fury, and indignation to fall upon them. If you have the eyes to see in the spirit dimension you will clearly see that the land is being controlled by the devil and his demons and people are living in mockery and debauchery. I do not intend for them to choose such a course but they do so because of the evil of their own hearts.

As you hear daily of the scandalous activities of those who are meant to be the keepers of My Vineyard, it is obvious that they have murdered the prophets sent to them. Now they are quite clearly attempting to put to death any remembrance of My Son in the clarity and precision of who He is. I do not want them to do this yet they persist in their wickedness. These leaders are full of demonic intent and activity and they imagine that they can and will bring to ruination any semblance of righteousness.

However what these blind and power hungry mongrels do not realize is that it is Me the Living God who will send retributive justice to expose them in their wickedness and they will be devastated, destroyed, and damned. I am giving forth thru My True Messengers, the call to “come out” of those whore houses of iniquity and to come into Me and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. I do not want My people to die in the dens of darkness that have evolved and are falsely called, “Christians”. They are not Christians because their words and their deeds are demonic and anti-christ.

Therefore when you see those who are in such captivity and inwardly groaning over the sin that abounds, tell them the Truth. If they hear the Truth and respond to the call to get out of those darkened holes of hell, then I will provide for them and My Spirit will lead them in a plain path. I do not want you to be over solicitous towards any in these times for I am wanting people to choose Me and not their own ways. Those who are imagining that they can do things their own way are not serving Me at all, in fact they are serving the demands and commands of demons and they are loving to do so. Be aware that I find no pleasure in them for they are not serving Me, they are serving the imaginations and delusions that the devil and his demons feed into them. Because they are deceived, they buy into the lie that they can have their own way and be content in the same.

Over and over through out their lives they will be led into deeper and deeper darkness and yet they will not repent because they have become the prisoners of pride and self-love. Those who are believing in their own greatness are believing in lies. Look at the realm of politics, it is an arena of arrogance and deception whereby those who were once somewhat sane are now insane and getting more so by the day. They live in the realms of their own destruction and they love it to be so. Know of a surety that I do not call them there but they choose such a habitation because their hearts are so far from Me. Likewise their influences are not only local but as is evident national and global.

The very leaders of the nation are thieves, liars, and murderers because they are stealing from the people, they are lying constantly, and they are murdering the nation and the home born who have made them rich. These conceited, arrogant, angry fools daily demonstrate that the clutches of death are upon them as they continue in the family cartel and will not stop. Because of stubbornness, vain ambition, and pride these shape shifting, alienated abominable creatures, continue in their parades and masquerades because they are driven to do so by demons.

You may wonder where is it all going to end? Well the truth is the end of such madness will come to those who repent and come into My covering and follow in the pattern that Jesus left for them to follow. Those who will be in obedience to My Spirit will be found in safety and security and I will provide for and protect them. Those who want to believe in concepts that have been proven to be delusional will grow more detached from reality and demonized by deceit.

I do not intend for people to be in the messes they are in and those who will hear My call to “come out” will strive to do so and separate themselves not only from corruption and criminality but identity with the world. The world is full of darkness and evil creatures that are not plainly visible and the majority are controlled by forces unknown. However those whose hearts long for change and want to be separated from the ever present evils will come out and come into Me where they will find refuge and restoration.

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