WOS 7-14-24 Called to Demonstrate My Righteousness

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who ordained My Son Jesus, to demonstrate righteousness to the world when He came showing the power and the glory of My Kingdom. In those days, My people were not at all cared for by the shepherds who ruled over them. In fact they were neglected as the shepherds were false and cared only for themselves rather than My people.

Despite the evil of these children of the devil who had taken over the priesthood I still wanted My people to know Me as their God and for this I sent Jesus into the world, calling for them to repent and believe on Him. It was never My intention that men, women, and children would live in opposition to My standards of righteousness and holiness, yet because the leaders were full of lies, My people were led into sins and corruption. They were basically oppressed and depressed.

However Jesus provided for them the New Life wherein they were given the opportunity to live again in the Way that I intended and by the same be found well pleasing unto Me. In the infancy of the times of the New Beginnings, they were instructed and taught by the Messengers as designated by My Holy Spirit and these disciples were willing to follow the command given by Jesus to “go into all the world and preach the gospel”. As the movement called Christianity continued to multiply, outrageous and murderous opposition and persecution arose against these united, true believers who were determined to follow the teachings that Jesus gave.

The history of the development of Christianity is one that is filled with sorrow as well as great and exceeding joy. My people often were hunted, hounded, accused, abused, imprisoned, and even executed for their faith in Jesus as their Savior. Yet, they continued to demonstrate the righteousness of My Kingdom throughout the known world.

The determination and dedication of those believers is the standard that My true, united believers are going to reflect in these times of extreme evil being openly displayed and exhibited for all to see. Those who are condemned already by their sins against Me are so full of conceit and contempt towards My righteousness that they are openly flaunting their abominations. Both in politics and religion, insecurity, instability, profanity, and insanity are the covering over the multitudes.

The leaders in all aspects of cultures are corrupted and criminal in their behaviors as they are greedy for gain, and for power unlimited. They have no respect, nor regard for My sheep and My lambs. They blindly follow the devil and his demons because their hearts are full of wickedness and they much prefer to live in darkness rather than the Light, Love, and Life that I provide. Their choices for such cause them to put forth rules and regulations that are totally unethical and immoral. Peoples, tribes, and nations are tottering on the brink of extinction because they are inviting My wrath to be openly displayed against them for their continual sins and transgressions.

Because of the decay and debauchery that are the mode of the day, many are losing all hope and in the same becoming hopeless, helpless, and homeless and are in the vast army of such wanderers who are living in misery. I do not intend for people to be knowing such misery in their lives, it is their acceptance of demonic input and control that puts them there. It is My intention that people would cooperate with the Mind of My Spirit and believe in Jesus as the Savior and Lord over their lives. Those who do such will know the mercy in abundance that I have awaiting them.

It is Me the Living God who has given to those who are true united believers, the call to be My Warriors for Righteousness. There is the desperate need for the demonstration once again to peoples throughout the earth that the return to righteousness is here, The Warriors for Righteousness will be bold in declaring the Truth to this misled, misinformed, and miserable generation who are needy of salvation. The Warriors for Righteousness will not tuck tail and run when the wicked roar and rant against them. Instead, they will stand strong and triumphant, demonstrating absolute determination to bring the call to salvation, the vast multitudes marked for damnation.

Be serving Me this day in the attitude of gratitude because you are given the privilege to be called to demonstrate My righteousness rather than being a vessel of wickedness. This is My time to separate the precious and the vile and I am sending the Holy Spirit to lead the Warriors for Righteousness against the forces of wickedness to expose how extreme they are in evil. Needless to say, many will be awakened out of their slumbering sloth to become aware that it is either that they do believe in and choose Jesus or they continue to slumber and die at the hands of demonic beings. Know that those whose hearts are desirous of change will hear and obey the commands of the Holy Spirit and they will depart from the palaces of prostitution. No longer will these ones feel the need for hypocritical religion for when the Truth exposes the evils of such, they will choose for Truth. Be glad that this is the time for redemption as many will hear My messengers, who are the Warriors for Righteousness and be set free. This is not the time to linger, this is the time to be moving in accordance with My Divine Commands.

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