I speak unto you this day and I say, do not begrudge suffering for your identity with My Son and My Kingdom which is Eternal. I do not want My people to be despising what it is that I require of them, rather I desire them to be fully enthusiastic in following the Holy Spirit. It has never been intended that My people would be kept from all sufferings, because they are not meant to be found in such a habitation. Rather they are meant to come forth, uplifted, rejoicing, and not resenting being identified with Jesus as the One who completed His course.
Keep in mind that when you are not begrudging suffering for your identity with Jesus as the pattern Son, then you will understand that it is intended that you come forth refined and purified by the same. These are times when those who are claiming to be My people have grown too comfortable, complacent, and compromising. They are living in the delusion that to “get along with others” is more important than standing for My Righteousness. By their spiritual slothfulness, they have cooperated with those who are full of wickedness by not resisting the evil agendas but by adhering to them. I do not desire my people to be in cooperation with such activities as will devastate and destroy all that is decent. I want my people to be aware that they are accountable before Me and that I want them to continue to be the salt and the light to this degenerate and disgusting generation.
While you hear people claim that I am “cruel, harsh, and unloving” realize that they are speaking of themselves because they are the ones who are living in foolery and debauchery. Those who are proud in their own conceits are the ones who’re easily corrupted because they are seeing themselves as something that they are not. Pride is an abomination to Me and this is a time when I the Living God am bringing down the proud and showing men and women that they are mere humans and not gods. Far too many in these times have chosen pride and the accompanying blindness and drunkenness rather than choosing for humility and the flexibility it provides. When a people are humble before Me, then they will not rebel against the way that My Spirit leads them forth. Rather they will remain faithful and true to Me and knowing that My Way is meant for them. In the Way that the Spirit leads My people is the Righteousness that those who are claiming to be Mine are meant to walk in. I absolutely do not want My people to be found living in chronic separation from Me because they are found adhering to wickedness not righteousness. There are ways that seem right to people but those are not My Way. Keeping this in mind, do not begrudge the suffering that you must undergo in order to be conformed to the image and likeness of My Son, Jesus. As you well know, Jesus is the One who has been given as the first born of many brethren, and He endured the suffering that was His cup even to dying on the cross and came forth well pleasing. So must My true people be prepared to accept whatever suffering they encounter in their earthly journey because they are humble enough to hear and obey the commands of the Spirit.
Each day be aware that the world is filled with troubles and sorrows but you are not meant to partake of those for they are the cup given to the disobedient and the lazy. I don’t want you to be found lazy, I want you to be found going forward in the newness of Life that is found only in and through Me. Therefore, know that it is a privilege to partake of the cup that is given to you which comes of Me and likewise to share in your body the suffering that identifies you fully with My Son Jesus.
These are times of turmoil and Media and her minions are cooperating with the agenda of spreading fear, terror, and despair. The goal is for people of the world and those who are weak in their faith, to be desperate because of uncertainty, insecurity, instability, and insanity so they surrender. Meaning in essence, that they no longer walk according to the Mind of My Spirit but succumb to the pressures and surrender up any and all hope and decency. Of course, this is why it is so important that My people do not shun the suffering they will encounter as they declare the Truth in the midst of lies. Those who are liars are determined to cause as many as they can to come under the demonic covering and be devoured in the many deviations and abominations as are present.
When you hear and see how many lies are being promoted by the minions of Media you will understand that those who are in power are determined to keep their cartels intact. They do not want people to regain any degree of morality and stability because they know if the people are returned to righteousness, they will not be able to control them any more. The game that is being played out is the same as Jesus experienced during His earthly journey, those who were in power did not want to see righteousness returned. Therefore they developed an accusing, abusing, murderous mode towards Jesus and criticized Him where ever He went. This He endured and did not give up or surrender the flag of freedom to His enemies. No, He kept on in obedience to the directives of My Holy Spirit and sought only to please Me in all that He did. Because of His obedience and willingness to endure the suffering that was His cup, all peoples have been given the opportunity to be redeemed. Do not begrudge your suffering because of identity with Him.
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