I speak unto you this day and I say that I want the wandering souls returned to Me for they are as sheep or lambs who have lost their way. There are many who are living in estrangement from Me in these times when the wicked have been in rule. I desire that these who have lost hope, are deeply discouraged and depressed, are full of fear and have fallen away would be returned to Me. Therefore, do not hesitate to encourage and invite such ones to return to the sanity and safety that is found in My House. I do not want to see the wandering souls left to die because they have succumbed to the world, as the pressures of perversity are always enticing people who are weak. Many of those who have wandered far from Me have done so because they have succumbed to the ever present pressures that want them to collapse and fall away.
The reality is that when the evil are in rule, it is as though a giant blanket of darkness is over the land and multitudes lose their sight and their might to fight the forces of evil. Because of the factors of confusion and delusion they become weakened and unable to contend with the powers that be and give way to pressures they would normally be able to resist.
If you are still standing, offer the hand up and out of the mire to the ones who have wandered into the same and cannot free themselves. Seek to see them returned to the fold and established in the Way of Righteousness rather than dying in the way of wickedness. Do not set up in proud and conceited self righteousness for to do so is to be separated from My intention and purpose. My people are not meant to see themselves as better than they are, they are meant to see that they too could slip and fall and need help to get up and get going again. Therefore with this in mind consider that those who have wandered are living each day in misery because they have made wrong choices and are suffering because of their sins.
As those who are called to be Warriors for Righteousness do not hesitate to throw them the rope of hope as you see them drowning in the sea of iniquity. Be glad that you do not need to go down under with them but that you can help them to rise above the waves of filthiness that are attempting to drown them and cause them to be damned. There are throughout this land multitudes who once walked with Me however they did not maintain their integrity of relationship and because of their choices turned aside. However, be aware that they do not find contentment in their wanderings for they have sought for the delusions the demons presented only to find themselves desolate and empty.
There is no peace, contentment, or satisfaction aside from Me and all who imagine that they can find such are living in the emptiness of wandering. I do not want My people left to wander in the desolation and desperation that has overcome millions who are trapped in the endless cycle. Throughout this land there are vast encampments of people who have given up on their dreams and are living in perpetual misery. Many of those who are living in all manner of misery on the streets of cities across the nation are wanderers who have strayed from Me.
Of these miserable, bitter, hurting souls, there are some who will, if given the encouragement and admonishment that they need be returned to Me. Therefore do not look down on those who have been reduced to poverty and scoff them in their misery. Remember it is My mercy that you receive every day and it is not by your own strength that you remain standing, it is by My covering over you that you are protected in the storms of life. It is really a tragedy when the home born of the nation are abused, neglected, and left to die as garbage. The political cartel living in grand delusion invite in and give the best to the those for the most part, who are full of evil intent and will take until there is no more to gain, then return rich to their own nations.
This insane political cartel is greedy for gain and the retention of their stranglehold over the nation. They live in such fear that they are buying and bribing these invaders in order to gain their votes. Their policies and plans have been to remain in power forever even though their “leader is demented and dying”.
The resulting chaos and confusion have sent multitudes to the worthless wanderings that leave them in despair, give them Hope again by reminding them of the mercies that are awaiting them as they return thru Jesus to Me. I do not want to see those who are down to perish, for it is My desire to see peoples, tribes, and nations returned to My covering. I did not create humankind to be the subjects of the wicked one and his demons, I created them to be in fellowship with Me. Of course it is their wrong choices that have established the breach and caused them to live in estrangement. Know that I want to see them restored to My Divine Arrangement and to flourish once more because they are living in repentance as they are restored.
When people have succumbed to sin and been covered in the eroding and degrading power of the same, they need the washing of My Word to free them from the filthiness they have been in. Therefore, do not hesitate to speak forth My Word that their bodies and souls will be cleansed from the filthiness of their fall. I don’t want those who have fallen to remain down, I want them uplifted and rejoicing for My Love, Life, and Light.
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