I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who wants you to come forth rejoicing in the Truth. However, those who are wicked doers and are pursuing the works of darkness are being terrorized by the truth in these times. This is because these workers of evil know that the truth will reveal the dark deeds that they have been committing and making profit off of their outlandish lies and pretensions.
I do not want My people to be fearful of the truth because they are walking uprightly and the truth will bring them into greater degrees of freedom in Me. When My people are living in righteousness, they will be able to boldly and fearlessly proclaim the truth. The ones who have turned aside from Me will for the most part, become godless because of their choices for lies rather than the truth.
These are times when the workers of wickedness have controlled peoples, tribes, and nations have controlled with the fist of iron oppression and evil. All the while these lying leaders have acted as though they care and have compassion on the multitudes they rule over when they do not. They care only for themselves and their own concerns. Repeatedly the masses have accepted their coverings of lies and assumed that the same were true. However now is My Time to terrorize these wicked ones with and by the proclamation of the truth and that truth is exposing all of the wicked and evil deeds they have been guilty of.
Do not be shocked at anything you hear or see for those who are meant to be responsible have proven to be totally irresponsible and have taken the route of devastation and destruction of the very nations that have made them rich. Know that this is My Time and they shall be daily terrorized by the truth as I am sending forth My messengers to proclaim the evil deeds and vile violations that they have and are still committing.
Be aware that because of these bigots and demonically driven puppets, that there will be more and more orchestrations of wickedness exposed on a daily basis. In as much as even those who imagine that they are “in control” are being controlled, there will be things exposed and shown up to be the obvious plots and schemes of puppet masters who pull the strings of fools. It is utter stupidity when men and women imagine themselves to be in such utter control as they believe themselves to have. They do not have any of the control they think because it is Me the Living God who is exposing and revealing the workers of wickedness. I am sending the Truth to terrorize them to the extent that they will run but they will not be able to hide and they will lie and their lies will be immediately exposed.
Those of you who are loving Me, do not be fearful during these times. Rather be rejoicing and giving Me thanks and praise because I am the One who will uplift and guide you forth by a plain path and cause you to be ever renewed in the Power that is found in and through the Name of Jesus Christ. I want you to realize that even though you will see many upheavals and crisis situations do not be shaken by those. Instead keep steadily holding on to Me for I am the One who will equip My Spirit with the guidance that you need to be kept in the safety and security that I provide to the righteous.
This is the time that I the Living God am showing that I will cause Truth to Triumph over lies and the liars will be shown up to be the absolute wicked workers that they are. Be aware that there are in existence creatures that are used to represent people either dead or alive and those creatures are totally possessed by demons. It is true that the devil is expert at sending forth his demons who can manifest in all manner of ways in order to deceive. Yet when the Truth and the Light are used as weapons against these creatures they are terrorized by the same and seek to hide from the Truth and the Light.
As is obvious those who do deeds of demonic inspiration prefer to hide in the darkness that their deeds are not revealed. However when I send My Light to reveal their actions their deeds will be shown up as in the brightness of the noonday sun. Reality is that no cartel on any level is hidden from Me and I am indeed well able to show them up for the wretched workers of witchcraft and shape shifting that they are.
Even now, the truth is causing the evil doers to be terrorized as they are blaming others for the very crimes and sins that they are guilty of. They are pointing the finger and condemning others for the things that they themselves have done and are doing. This is one of the favorite techniques that they use, false accusation, fear, intimidation, and repeated lies hammering away at any and all who will listen to them. Nonetheless I will continue to release more and more terror upon them by the truth that is being proclaimed in these times of delusion and confusion. While the enemy forces imagine that they can rule by chaos and deceit, they will find that their conceit is eroded as the truth exposes who and what they are.
Even the hidden puppet masters will have their masks pulled off and they will be likewise exposed and given the divine justice that only I can provide. Those who have gained power by evil secrecy and even murder, will find that they are openly being exposed. There is none who can hide from Me and those who imagine that they can will find out that they cannot for I reign supreme. Thank Me that I continue to send for the Truth to Terrorize.
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