I speak unto you this day and I say that you are living in times when the consequences of jealous betrayal are being made evident and it is sad to behold the troubles and confusion that come as the consequence. In the days of old, My people suffered greatly when the leaders fell under the spell of the devil and his demons and gave themselves over to jealousy. When men and women are jealous of one another and envious of the positions that I have given to the faithful and true, they will seek to undermine and overthrow those who I have chosen and cause much distress. Betrayal does not bring forth good fruit, rather the fruit is bitter and those who are guilty of such do not enjoy what they have thought to gain by their wicked deeds.

I do not want My people to be participating in jealous betrayal and reaping the bitterness of the same. When those who are claiming that they love Me give way to such demonically motivated actions, then they will suffer the consequences of the same and foretaste the agonies of the damned. Be aware that I do not approve those who are determined to gain power by evil means and I will not bless their lust for power.

You are living in times when there are betrayers who are at work and are daily plotting to not only betray but to overthrow the powers that have been in place in such localities. When people are choosing to behave in such ways, they prove themselves to be the sons of Belial and their evil intentions are objectionable to Me. Therefore do not get caught up in the schemes of those who are wicked and intrigued by their sinful and murderous intentions.

Instead, cry out to Me for righteousness to be restored and wickedness to be totally exposed and the fools to be caught and punished in their folly. It is indeed by wickedness that some are gaining acclaim and in the same trust in themselves rather than Me. I absolutely do not want My people to have faith or trust in such evil doers and to follow after their lies and plots of intrigue and evil. Therefore when My Spirit shows you the evil that is at play, turn away and leave such utter fools to Me. Because vengeance is Mine and I am the One who is well able to deal with the workers of wickedness.

My desire is for My people to look to Me and to desire what I have for them for I am the One who is indeed well able and I will not withhold any good thing from the ones who will walk uprightly and be satisfied with My Way. Therefore keep your vision upon Me during these times that are at hand. Know that it is Me the Living God who is openly exposing and revealing the hidden wickedness and evil intention of those who are involved in jealous betrayal. The ones who have conspired together will be exposed for their evil deeds and they will only have the cup of bitterness as their reward. If you stop and consider when men and women are full of the lust for fame and fortune, they can do nothing but evil to achieve their lusts. I do not want to have My true people involved with such workers of wickedness because My true people are meant to become representatives of My Kingdom and to be faithful to adhere to the principles of righteousness.

Be glad this day that you do not need to be led astray and in the same betray My trust in you. Rather, you can rebuke, refute, and refuse the demonically dominant liars who insist you believe as they say. If you stop and analyze what the liars are doing, they are only using lies and deceit to gain favor by maligning others. They do not offer any solutions to problems other than to follow them in their folly. These ones are so full of pride and blinded by conceit that they do not perceive that they are merely puppets themselves. While they are believing in themselves and their “great powers” they do not understand that when their time is up that the devil and his demons will destroy them with the same lies they have used against others. Whenever men and women will choose to do evil rather than good, know that they will reap what they have sown. Not only will they suffer but they will bring curses on their generations because they are the ones who have chosen to do evil and love it so.

I do not want My true people to be involved with such curs because they are fools in My sight and they have desired what is not intended for them. Inasmuch as they have by jealousy betrayed those who have helped them, so shall they be overthrown by those who are jealous of them and will betray them. Therefore do not participate in their schemes and plans of evil, rather be involved with Me for I am the One who has My purposes and plans for you and they are not evil, but are righteous. Thank Me that each day you will be led and directed by My Spirit if you keep your vision single and that is upon Me. Do not seek to gain recognition or acclaim, rather be satisfied to declare Me as I am and to serve Me each day in the attitude of gratitude. It is indeed a good thing to know that it is Me the Living God who will give to you all that you ever will need and that I bring you forth by a plain path.

Inasmuch as the demon inspired liars are busy in their campaigns of undermining all that is upright, know that I the Living God have them marked and they shall go down by the same evils that they have done to others in their lust for power. The nations under the domain of such domineering, demonic dictators suffer. Nonetheless, it is Me the Living God who will overthrow such despots when the victimized people cry out to Me for deliverance.

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