I speak unto you this day and I say do not be envious of the wicked for while they may live their lives in prosperity and false security on this earth, they are living in a dreamland. For when they die, they shall be hurled into hell and there they will exist in the everlasting torment that is the cup of the wicked. Be aware that I know exactly what each person who lives and dies does during their lifetime on earth. So, I likewise reward them accordingly and the wicked doers are rewarded with everlasting torment and the ones who are walking in righteousness are accepted into My Kingdom.
When you allow yourselves to become envious of the wicked in all of their evil prosperity and false security that they assume will keep them forever know their end is bitter. Their monies and power will not be able to alter My decision and they cannot buy their way out of hell nor bribe anyone to give them a ticket to heaven. Because the stench of their evil deeds has been before Me, I shall justly hurl them into hell.
It is offensive to Me when My people are envious of the wicked and imagine that somehow I am blessing them. No, they are having their best lives now because in the afterlife they shall never escape the torments that will be their cup. Therefore do not be short sighted but realize that hell is everlasting and they shall never ever be able to escape the agonies of the damned. I do not want My people to be accusatory in their hearts against Me if they are undergoing sufferings for their identity with My Son Jesus. Better it is to suffer for the truth than to be smug in lies only to end in destination-damnation, with no way out of such an end.
Be glad even this day and every day that even if you are suffering in this life, that I will turn your sorrows into joy and I will give you reason to give Me thanks and praise even in the midst of prison and captivity. I know what the wicked do against My people. I will hold them accountable for the same, and even bring shame upon the wicked in this life as their agendas are made evident for all to see. Know of a surety that My judgments are final for it is appointed unto men once to die and then they face judgment. There is no such thing as reincarnation nor can people be prayed out of purgatory by a priest who is paid to utter prayers for them.
When people have their time on this earth, they will be given their abodes for eternity when their lives are over. It is very important to live your lives in righteousness for in the end of life you will receive the rewards of the righteous. Those who choose in opposition to Me, and refuse to serve Me will end in hell as the consequence of their choices.
These are times of gross sufferings and bitterness to the multitudes who live in separation from Me even while they are on this earth, and again this is because they desire the darkness that they are in. When people are in pursuit of wickedness, they will despise the Light for the same will reveal their hidden deeds of evil done in darkness. However they know within themselves that they are wrong, but they do not want others to see them in their sins. They add sin unto sin and do not even bother to consider the Eternal Damnation that awaits them.
Do not be shocked at the atrocities that are being openly revealed in these times for the wicked are just that—full of all manner of evil and loving to pursue the same. So many think that the dreamland will never end, yet when the rude awakening comes there will be no breakfast in bed. Instead, the prison houses of hell will be opened to received the damned who imagined they would live forever.
Why are people so short sighted as to fail to realize that they will stand before Me and give an account? It is because they are deceived and loving to deceive others to ensnare them in the same bondage that they are in themselves. Stop and consider while it may appear that the rich and famous are content and well pleased with their achievements gained through criminal corruption and oppression of the poor know that the same is a lie. They are not at all satisfied and are ever going off on one tangent or another searching for the satisfaction that they cannot gain in this life nor in the life hereafter. All of this is their cup because they have blatantly and stubbornly refused to serve and worship Me. In fact they want others to worship them as the gods they imagine themselves to be. Likewise they are not ashamed to publicly denounce and mock Me and My Son Jesus Christ who gave Himself as the substitute for their sins. They do not get by with their mockery of Me, My Son, and My people. I will mock the mockers and they will be mocked in this life and forever in the agonies of the damned. While they are so wise in their own blinded conceit and pompous pride, remember I can bring them down and their power domains can be snatched from them. While they appear to be comrades in their criminality, know that they will turn into cannibals and devour one another as they are fully capable of shape shifting as they are devouring and destroying each other. Those who saw themselves as rich and famous one day, can be devoured and ripped up in no time by the very forces of evil that elevated them to begin with. Therefore realize that the wicked do not remain in their wealth because they cannot take it with them. They will face the consequences of their choices, the prison houses of shame that await them show no mercy, misery is their cup.
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