I speak unto you this day and I ask, will you be welcoming the good seed into your heart, or will you be rejecting the very seed that is sent to revolutionize your life? In this time, I the Living God am sending forth My messengers throughout the earth with the good seed and they are sowing the seeds of hope into the hearts of whoever will hear the call and repent. Because these are times when multitudes are engulfed in vile and filthy sins, there is great need for them to repent or they will perish in the sins that they are committing. Be aware that when I the Living God do have impending wrath, fury, and indignation prepared and ready to be poured forth, I will send forth My messengers to call peoples, tribes, and nations to repent, lest they perish in their sins.
I do not want souls to be found in the ugliness of these times and overwhelmed by the demonic spirits that are ever seeking for people to be enchanted and seduced into the cesspool of sin. The forces of darkness are working overtime to take as many into the instability, the anxiety, and the insanity which in turn will motivate them to reject the Truth. I do not want the multitudes to perish yet, if they reject the good seed and harden their hearts repeatedly, they will be found in the agonies of the damned and taken down into the course of their own destruction.
I do not want you to be destroyed by such forces of idiocy and insanity as are ruling in the nation even now. Rather I want those who are claiming to love Me, to be uplifted and united unto Me as the One they love and want to please always. Therefore, do not allow your minds to be opened up to receive the insanity of iniquity that is available with easy access. Know that I want you to be made available to the Spirit that is holy and that I have given to you to lead and guide you forth into all Truth.
As good ground receiving good seed, you will be enabled to pursue the course of My intention and come forth bearing fruit in abundance for My Kingdom. Those who harden their hearts against My Spirit and choke out the good seed that has been given to them will be found accountable before Me and liable for the crushing darkness that will come down upon them. Therefore, be thankful that you are given the privilege to serve Me with rejoicing and the giving of thanks because I am the One who does care for you and who guides you forth by a plain path.
I am telling you so that you are fully aware that there are indeed hard times coming to those who are living in the world and are of the world for they will be collapsing and giving into every imaginable fear and evil. Why is it that they are so easily sucked into the ways that will destroy them? It is because they are refusing to allow the good seed to take root in them and be nourished. This is the consequence of their love for the world and the devices of wickedness rather than loving Me and coming forth in My Way.
Be thankful this day that you can be receiving the good seed and allowing the same to be fruitful in your lives. Do not be as the foolish who are ever willing to yield to every imaginable evil and think in the same they are all right with Me. They are absolutely not “all right” in fact they are all wrong for they have chosen to oppose Me and My messengers. In these times of confusion and delusion, those who have sought to bring forth their wicked agendas will be shown how really foolish they are in all that they are doing. The infighting that will occur among them will show that they are not a unified force but rather that each is seeking for their own gain and their own fame. They have no concern for the people they have rule over nor do they have concern for the very nation they are meant to govern over justly. These ones will see their powers dwindling before their very eyes and the same will send them into a fervor of rebellion against righteousness.
When you see these things clearly coming forth, do not be afraid for you are not meant to regard this earth as your lasting home. You are meant to be yielding yourselves to My Kingdom as the one you cherish and want to be in both now and forever. Continue steadfast to advocate My Kingdom and put forth the message to Repent and Receive the good seed that is found in Jesus Christ My Son, the One who is the Savior. It is indeed a time to rejoice when you see souls redeemed from the clutches of the agenda of destruction and damnation. Be glad that you can labor for My Kingdom and have the same as your purpose in this life. The more that you will keep your focus upon Me the more that you will see and perceive how important it is that you do not turn away from the Eternal Way. There is nothing to be found in the broad way for the same is nothing more than a masquerade of the devil and his demons to lure the fools into damnation. You are not called to be fools you are called to receive good seed into good ground and then to bear fruit for My Kingdom and that fruit will remain.
With this in mind, do not hesitate to bear witness of Me where ever and when ever you can because I will not withhold any good thing from the ones who are busy about My business. Do not allow the techno terrorists, the phantoms of wickedness, the shape shifting beings of gross darkness to entice and enchant you to yield to their agendas of death and damnation. Instead be the warriors for righteousness and continue to put forth the good seed and see souls freed from the captivity that keeps them barren.
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