I speak unto you this day and I say that you are seeing how ugly it is when people are living in open and arrogant defiance of Me and My standard of righteousness. I never have intended for people to live in the abomination of pride whereby they will proudly proclaim that I am not and live in the false assurance of their wickedness and their own invincibility. When the debauchery, drunkenness, decay are evident and yet leaders are openly defying Me and proud of their sins, know that their decadence is defiance. While they are living in their drunken states of temporary euphoria, know that I the Living God will bring My wrath upon them and their end will be damnation whereby they will be locked into torments forever.
In these times, I am calling forth the warriors for righteousness that they will defy the damned and proclaim My call to all to Repentance Revolution whereby they openly revolt against the devil and his demons. I do not want people to be ruled by the forces of evil and yet they are because they will not will themselves to resist. Know that I do not want nor expect My people to be in cooperation with those things that are wicked, vile, and perverse. Therefore, keep in mind that you are meant to be coming forth, ever made glad that it is Me that you can serve and obey each day with gladness and the giving of thanks and praise. As My people, you are meant to know the blessedness that I will give you for it is My pleasure to give mercy to any and all who will call upon Me as the One they love and live for. Remember you are not called to please the world, nor be identified with them in their defiant determination to prove that I am not.
However, if they really believed in their innermost parts that I am not, they would not need to make a show of their defiance and rebellion against Me. Inasmuch as I am the Creator there is none who would have life if I were to take life from their bodies. Those who are playing with their parties of open debauchery and filthiness are proving that they are the ultimate fools for they are only inviting My wrath, fury, and indignation to fall upon them and they are consequently brought to ruination and damnation. I do not tolerate the wicked doers forever and when My time for their destruction comes, there is none who stops Me in My anger against the wickedness they choose. While these ones are drunk on their self-esteem and over estimation as to their own capabilities, they think that they are having fun. However they are fools who will be devoured by the very demons that have deceived them, and they will see the demise of their earthly kingdoms as hell is awaiting their entry. Be aware that I the Living God do see the ones who are refusing to be swept up in the defiance and degradation that has flooded over the minds of the multitudes. This flood has caused many to become insane because of the uncertainty, the instability, and the infection of idiocy that is the mode of the day. Those who do not give way to the flood of indecency and debauchery, but rather gather together often and speak of My goodness, My mercy, and My righteousness will be remembered by Me. These ones will be anchored in Me as the vast multitudes are overwhelmed and drowning in the waves of the sea of iniquity and sin that are sweeping as giant Tsunami waves of filth.
Therefore do not grow weary in well-doing and give into the crushing demons that want you dead, instead call upon Me and ask for the Mind of My Spirit and come into the clarity that I will give to you each day. I have so much mercy prepared for the ones who maintain their integrity in Me and partake of the goodness that is the reward of the righteous.
Likewise I have misery prepared for the ones who have openly defied Me and flaunted their vile and filthy behaviors and philosophies as though they were the bearers of the ultimate way. However these will end in the bitterness of their choices and they will be locked into the agonies of the damned with no way to secure their devices of deviation. Once these fools are locked into the prison houses of evil, their own proud declarations will torment them day and night and they will not have their addictions satisfied.
Be thankful that you can be in the company of the redeemed and likewise encourage and admonish one another in the Way that I intend. As you are encouraged you can likewise encourage others to come under the covering that I provide. If you really consider the consequences that come to people by their own choices then you will want to choose Me and be found in the company of the redeemed rather than the damned. Know of a surety that those who imagine that they are “stars and celebrities” will find their popularity being diminished before their eyes. Their bodies will reflect aging and their shape shifting powers receding as they are being devoured by the very demonic forces that empowered them. While the curtain is coming down on them, they will behold their own failures and ugliness yet if they do not repent, they will most certainly be hurled headlong into hell.
Once men, women, and children are sealed in hell, they are in torment forever and they cannot by any means escape the same. They will see their own cannibalism made manifest and even pray for someone to eat them that they no longer had to exist in their perpetual tormented states of being. However, I will not hear their prayers and their open defiance will erupt in violent cursing and ranting all to no avail. Those who choose to defy Me and degrade My standard will be locked in with themselves in torment.
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