I speak unto you this day and I say, will you be helpless or healed? This is a time that I am reaching out to any and all who will hear My Spirit issue the call to “come” and those who do, will be healed as they believe. I do not desire for people to be helpless and hopeless, yet multitudes are just that because they are unable to “help themselves”.

Because I am the God of mercy, I have compassion upon the wretched and the ones who have been wrecked by the ravages of the devil and his demons. Of such, the ones who desire to be freed can be if they will turn to Me and know that I will give them through My Son Jesus Christ, salvation which includes healing and deliverance as well as restoration. While the devil and his demons are believing that they will win, they are fools. For they are not stronger than Me and I am the one who will send forth My messengers calling people to repent and return to Me as their Father.

It does not give Me pleasure to see people in the conditions that they are in now because of the godless and wretched coverings over nations. I do not want people to be in such conditions, whereby they are unable do as I desire them to do. I desire that those who are serving Me would have the testimony of victors, and not victims.

I want you to be alert and alive, ready to proclaim My mercy and My miracles as My Spirit directs you to do so. Do not be afraid of the reaction of people to My Kingdom for they have been as moles living in the darkness of lives ruled by demons. Of course when they hear of the Light, the Life, and the Love that I do give, some are immediately unbelieving, some do not comprehend any thing other than darkness, and some have a dawning of a new day. Therefore keep steadfast in the proclamation and declaration of My Kingdom for you do not know who it is that will hear and obey. Some will come forth in the New Life as they are born again of incorruptible seed and given the hope of who I am. I do not want you to be in bondage to the opinions or expressions of sinners, I want you to be faithful to declare Me and to never be ashamed that you are of My Kingdom.

Stop and consider that in these times when the lands are covered in hopeless despair and people are feeling crushed and helpless that it is Me the Living God who is giving forth hope and healing to all who will believe and receive. Therefore, know that you are meant to labor while there is yet a glimpse of Light and to do so with diligence. Because far too many of those who were meant to bear witness of Me, abandoned their duty for the fulfillment of their own lusts and the cares of this life, people are in bad shape. This is the time that I am giving to those who will listen the words of godly wisdom and they can be raised from the place of spiritual death and brought into the New Life that is being given to them.

In the New Life are the virtues that are ever present and available to those who live and abide in Me while here on earth. I give salvation, healing, deliverance and restoration to the ones who are desirous of such treasures. Then they in turn will return in gratitude and become messengers of My Kingdom and will be witnesses to others of the power and protection that I provide. Those who know Me by and through experience have more persuasive power than the ones who merely repeat what they have read or been taught, but never experienced themselves.

Sad to say there are multitudes who claim that they believe Me, yet when put to the test are proven to be unbelieving. Often times because of the pride that they are operating under, they will not accept their own short comings in reference to their faith. Instead they will pretend that they are just fine and know more than they do.

When you see the helpless, hopeless, and homeless conditions that multitudes are locked into, know that this is not the time to play games with the conviction of My Holy Spirit. This is the time to do what I the Living God declare and to keep steady at the task I put before you. When you see a man, woman, or child sinking in the abyss of hopeless, helpless despair, throw to them the rope of hope found through salvation in Jesus. Do not sit smugly by and watch people dying when you could give them the words of life that would cause hope to be stirred to life within them. Then, they would come forth uplifted and restored to Me.

While multitudes are covered by the rule of technology, realize that I am concerned with humanity not technological advancements whereby robots replace people. Therefore do not stop giving forth the personal and persuasive testimony of experience in Me and the mercies and miracles that are available in My Kingdom. Reality is, generations are being trained by the beastly influences that are being openly exposed in these times and far too many are held captive by such forces. Alien and strange beings are literally shape shifting while they proclaim themselves to be one thing, they do the opposite. Wild and senseless accusations are hurled at any and all who dare to question or openly declare an opposing view to these tyrannical beings of wickedness. Keeping these realities in mind, declare and demonstrate the power of healing to those who are helpless. This is not the time for indulgence in self-life, this is the time for proclamation of the New Life whereby the captives are freed and the helpless are healed.

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