I speak unto you this day and I say that I do not want you to be partaking of those things that are detestable in My sight, yet are the desires of vast multitudes in these times. When I see how many have gone after those things that are forbidden and are daily increasing, I am very disappointed with their behaviors and misconduct. It has never been My intention that those who are Mine would be participating in the folly and the feasts of fools. It has been and still is My desire for My people to walk uprightly redeeming the time, giving thanks, praise, and honor to Me as their Master and Lord.

Those who are clinging to their detestable desires are literally clinging to the very things that will cause them many sorrows and much sadness as I am giving the call to REPENT and RETURN to ME. Such ones as are gravitated to their own detestable desires above My call to them I turn them over to what they imagine they want, and the same will destroy them.

Be aware that I never created people to desire detestable things and yet because of their choices that is exactly what they do. I never intended for such to happen and yet it does because people are living in estrangement from Me. They are not yielding themselves to My Spirit, they are yielding themselves to the demonic powers that are so evident in these times. When they prefer to fulfill the lusts of their flesh rather than the call of My Spirit they are the ones who reap the consequences of the same.

More and more the decline and defilement which comes about as people are choosing sin above righteousness and are transgressing every standard and dictate that comes of Me. The ones who choose to follow after detestable desires are experiencing the down dirty lifestyle and unable to see any other way because they have been blinded by the god of this world.

Be thankful that you do not have to be bound in the detestable desires that result in increasing debauchery and degradation which destroys souls and causes them to live in the filthiness of fleshly lusts. When you are choosing the high way that I provide, then you are enabled to be guided and directed in the clarity that comes of Me. I want you as My people, to be yielded to Me in each and every thing that you do, not just putting on a show of religion while your hearts are far from Me.

The choices that you make each day are literally related to your eternal destiny and determine where you will spend the hereafter. Of course I want My people to spend Eternity with Me, however that is determined by their choices. Remember in the beginning, I made people upright, they are the ones who sought out many inventions and by the same have become defiled and degraded.

Inasmuch as I have desire for men, women, and children to be restored to Me thru Jesus Christ My Son, I do not in any way have appreciation for the ones who have given themselves over to the reprobate behaviors that are so common in these times. Therefore, be thankful that you can look to Me as the One you love and want to serve wholeheartedly. It is a good thing to consider that I do not withhold, I give in abundance to those who are shunning the serving of detestable desires and choosing My desire for their lives. Those who want Me can have Me if they keep themselves unspotted from the contamination that brings damnation.

Because I am Holy, I want My people to be Holy and not be wallowing in the vile filthiness that is permeating people in all realms of society. The truth is that when leaders are full of corruption, abomination, and idolatry, they pass such a covering on to the people they are meant to serve. The more that you are adhering to Me, the more you are kept from every source of wickedness that would seek to suck your strength and desire for Me.

My people are not meant to be hosts for parasite demons and the unclean practices they lure people into. Therefore I have given My Holy Spirit to those who are Mine and want the infilling of the Spirit. By the discernment that is inherent in the Holy Spirit, My people are being kept and given refuge during this time of wickedness and attempted demon takeover. I have given to My people the power thru Jesus to resist, refuse, and refute every wicked and evil force that wants them in captivity.

As you are serving in the attitude of gratitude, it becomes more and more apparent to you how important it is that you maintain your relationship to Me and do not deviate from the same. There are many who choose every day against My Way to go in the way of damnation—detestable desires. Realize that I am the One who sees you in your need and I will provide for you in the same. That is, I will give you the strength to resist all enticements and enchantments that the enemy forces use to tempt My people away from Me. Thru My Spirit’s indwelling, you are never alone and when you ask Me or My Son, Jesus for help, the Spirit hears your cry. When you consider how many are steeped in wickedness and full of all manner of lust, forever yielding to detestable desires, be glad that you do not need the same. Rather you can receive the Holy desire that will keep you on fire for My purposes and not those originating from the fleshly lusts. I find great pleasure in the ones who know that I am the God of old, and I am the God of now, and it is Me who wants you kept from the detestable desires of death and damnation.

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