I speak unto you this day and I say be aware that there is a massive addiction problem over the nations at this time, as multitudes are literally addicted to lies and liars. Because of the technological advancements that people are addicted to, by the same they have come under the covering of Media and her minions whereby they have become addicted to lies and liars. This addiction is one that is very hard to kick because once people give themselves to it, they cannot refuse the enticement and enchantment of lies.
Because they have allowed themselves to be wound up in the cumbersome chains of liars and lies, they are no longer able to think freely. Their minds and their hearts have been infiltrated by demons and they are captives in the prison houses of lies. In the addiction to lies, multitudes exist daily as Media has moved from just the mainstream to all manner of men and women who are vying to achieve greatness by their lying.
All the while, this whole scope of existence is retarded and causes far too many troubles to the ones who are involved in the messes and distresses of the same. I do not want My people to be involved in such coverings for the coverings of lies promoted by liars only bring on an addictive process that is deteriorating and destroying of all moral fiber and uprightness. Be aware that hell is daily expanding her borders to receive those who allowed themselves to become addicted to lies and liars. Then, of course they became liars and died entangled in their own lies and fabrications that took them far from Me.
I do not ask you to be involved in lies and believe in liars, I want My people to seek their counsel of Me and to wait upon Me to give to them the Truth that they can walk uprightly. It is impossible for those who are addicts to lies and liars to walk in righteousness because their very addiction will ensnare them and entangle them in the inescapable web of lies. The web of lies is inescapable to all who do not have Me and My standard of righteousness. This is because they are under the demonic coverings that are destructive and devastating. As those who are Mine, cleave to My Spirit, and obey the commands and dictates of the same, for I have given you My Spirit to lead and guide you into all Truth.
When you step back from the exhaustion that is ever present in the world, you will see the damage that is and has been done by lies and liars. Those who are liars are quick to speak enticing words, yet those words will cause them much harm and lasting damage. Not only do they harm themselves but they bring others into the same webs of delusion, destruction, and devastation that they are in. Multitudes without number are huffing and puffing on the road that leads to nowhere, because they have believed in liars and their lies and are now addicted likewise. Their addictions make them “old before their time” and many die in the webs of deceit they have chosen above the Truth. The addiction to lies and liars is truly a plague of these times because people have chosen for lies above the Truth and love it so. This addiction is not one that people can walk in and out of easily, because once anyone will yield themselves to lies, they will not be able to free themselves of the crushing power of the demons who hold them in captivity.
Be alert, alive, and aware that you can be easily deceived, if you are choosing the way to be losing, by accepting the covering of lies in your lives. When any are choosing the rule of the devil and his demons they are submitting themselves to be covered in lies, and want liars as their companions. The consequences of such choices are deadly and all consuming as those who where meant to follow My Spirit, are taken into captivity by foolish choices. This is why it is so important to be continually under the Mind of My Spirit and listening to the Words that My Spirit will speak to you. So make it your goal to bring yourself into captivity to the commands of My Spirit. Every one is going to serve one of two masters and those who think they can flirt with lies and not get ensnared and entangled are only fooling themselves and going down under the burdensome bondage of the same. Be glad this day that I have given to you My Holy Spirit and the same will direct you and correct you daily as you are willing to listen and obey. Those who are considered wise before Me are the ones who will receive godly wisdom and counsel so that they can differentiate between the precious and the vile.
Know that I consider those who are addicted to lies and liars to be vile because they have chosen for evil rather than righteousness. Likewise they dispel the Truth by telling lies and becoming more addicted to such fantasies and delusions as their demons direct them. Literally those who are addicted to lies hate the Truth and desire to destroy those who are messengers of the Truth. Therefore do not make covenants with the world for the world is under the rule of the devil and his demons. When My people draw too close to the world they will find that it becomes more and more easy to lie because they have chosen to have an affair with the world. However there is no such thing as “an affair with the devil and his demons” this is because the devil and his demons do not easily let go of those they have bound. The best remedy to resist worldliness is to live in solitude with Me rather than to be corrupted by criminal companions who are damned liars!
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